If you're looking for tips, tools, and wise wisdom on how to handle life change, personal growth, and transformation, then today's guest is a must-listen. We have Leah Goard with us, business and life strategist, working mom, and expert on transformation. In this episode, Leah brings us through her Land & Launch process, and the SHIFT process, her various tools for life navigational aids.
If you feel like you don't have the time to slow down and focus on what is important to you, then you MUST take time for this episode.
And I think that Leah's answer to our signature final question is one of the best of our launch season - so hang with us until the end!

Show Notes
Download Leah's free Land & Launch guide here. Leah is also active on Facebook.
Leah also has a powerful TEDx style talk.
Plum Deluxe has also collaborated with Leah many times on free worksheets, including our Slow Summer Moments worksheet and the Year In Review worksheet.