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It's hard to think of a better pairing than a rainy day and some time reflecting inwardly in your journal. (Ok, maybe chocolate and caramel is an even better pairing,...
Do you follow and enjoy all the great recipes and mindfulness tips we share here on the Plum Deluxe blog three times per week? Then please consider supporting us with...
The new year brings with it a lot of intentions and resolutions, many things that you want to do/have/experience in the 365 days ahead. I'd like to take a moment to...
As beautiful and inspiring as the holidays can be, they can also be a time of loneliness, pain, and grief for many. As Human Rights Day approaches, it’s a good...
Be more flexible. Loosen up. Don't take things so seriously.Our cultural vernacular is full of phrases related to being more flexible. And if you haven't noticed, most modern health theories...
Everybody loves the idea of some good, old fashioned R&R -- rest and relaxation. But when it comes to actually relaxing, are you... doing something relaxing? I find that it's...
Are you a "people pleaser" or a "yes man" (or yes woman)? Love to say yes to any and every opportunity that comes your way?There's something to be said to...
"Mary, Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow?" We've all heard this little rhyme. But, have you considered the metaphors that gardening provides in life? When we moved recently...
Valentine's Day comes around each year with much fanfare — in the typical form of pink and pastel papers, sweet and sugary chocolate treats, flowers and more. Regardless of what...
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