Gardening Themed Journaling Prompts

Gardening Themed Journaling Prompts

"Mary, Mary, quite contrary. How does your garden grow?"

We've all heard this little rhyme. But, have you considered the metaphors that gardening provides in life?

When we moved recently into our new house, it had a garden and it was the first time I had a garden since I was a child. I started a section in my journal and kept track for six months of all the "lessons" that gardening was teaching me. There were plenty; the ups and downs of the garden translate quite nicely into the trials and celebrations of life.

Based on those notes, I thought I'd share with you a set of gardening-themed journal prompts to help inspire you this spring — whether you have a garden or not!

The most important elements for my growth right now are...

The area in my life where I need to be planting seeds right away is...

Right now it is time to harvest...

Sitting quietly in the garden, Nature wants me to know...

If you enjoyed these, be sure check out the springtime themed journaling prompts, too.

Andy Hayes

Andy Hayes is the founder and creator of Plum Deluxe. He authors our award-winning weekly email newsletter, The Blend and curates our popular organic tea of the month club.
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