6 Summertime Journaling Prompts

6 Summertime Journaling Prompts

It's already a hot start to the summer here at Plum Deluxe HQ, so we wanted to round out our seasonal set of journaling prompts with a thoughtful, inspiring set of summertime-themed journaling prompts.

Pour yourself a nice cold glass of iced tea, take a look at our previous journaling prompt tips, and see what the blank page has to share with you.


Childhood Delights

Summer brings back reminders of those delights of childhood (when you were finally free from the shackles of the school classroom). Try some of these journal prompts to bring some of your favorite things from childhood into your current routine. It's ok to be child-like sometimes!
When I was a kid, my favorite things to do were.... Why did I enjoy them so much?
If my child-like self was giving my adult self advice today, they would say...
For these prompts, it helps to pick a specific age. Just pick one, you can always go back and do the prompts again at another age.


Summer also has this notion of laziness... For those of you with children out of school, or large gardens, you will know this to be false. But, nonetheless, there is much we can learn from thinking about just chilling out in the sun.
Some things in my life that I need to take less seriously....
If I had a free day with no obligations or expectations, I would...

Fruits of Your Labor

Summer is actually when the harvest season begins -- specifically, berries shed their bounty in the heat of the day.
The seeds that I planted and need my help producing their fruits are...
The fruits of my labor that I should be enjoying are....
My favorite fruit is... Free journal about your favorite fruit for at least 1 page. What do you love about the color, the scent, the flavor, how you like to enjoy it, what it pairs with... Now, once you've finished that, ask yourself, how can you have more of these joyful feelings in your life every day?

Andy Hayes

Andy Hayes is the founder and creator of Plum Deluxe. He authors our award-winning weekly email newsletter, The Blend and curates our popular organic tea of the month club.
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